Energy Consultants & Data Analysis

SENS helps utilities and real estate companies to strengthen their market position and increase their revenues by offering energy consulting services.

Electrical technician on his laptop

SENS helps utilities and real estate companies to strengthen their market position and increase their revenues by offering energy consulting services. We investigate, develop and support the customer with business impact and sustainability are always taken into account. We also develop tools and software to streamline internal processes for our customers at a license fee.

Measuring instruments for electricity

Data management and analysis

  • Data strategy
  • Data validation
  • Data analysis
  • Visualization
Buildings from above

Yearly Power and Energy Revision

  • Measurement data analysis
  • Volume analysis
  • Capacity analysis
  • Customer budget
  • Revenue budget
Two men are sitting in a meeting

Pricing Models

  • Revenue modeling
  • Business analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • Customer impact assessment
  • Customer communication
Solar panels leading up to a wind turbine

Alternative Cost Analysis

  • Compare district heating / cooling with alternative solutions
  • Objective and credible comparisons
  • Licensing analysis tools
  • Support in the price dialogue

Our customers

SV Svensk flagga EN Engelsk flagga